Provided concepting, scriptwriting, vizdev, production management, and art direction for 35+ UA marketing videos leading up to the 2024 launch of Call of Duty: Warzone. Projects included custom UI and mograph, game build capture, 3D animations of client provided assets, asset prep and optimization, and facial mocap tools. Client's marketing goals including general awareness, player acquisition from Call of Duty: Mobile, game features, and short-form narratives.
"MilSim Mocap". Execution by Edgar Falcao. Facial capture tool setup by David Phipps.
"Feature Highlight". Execution by Danijel Dragija.
"Custom Loadout". Execution by Edgar Falcao.
VizDev Mockups for Production. Animation Key Poses by Edgar Falcao.
"Weapon Assembly". Execution by Aleks Telepushkin.
"Execution Hype". Execution by Helio Neto.