Provided art direction, scriptwriting, storyboarding, and production management on 60+ UA marketing and game asset projects for Star Wars: Hunters. Content included 3D animations, UA videos, game UI graphics, statics, and playables.
Animated Transitions - Gameplay. Designed with Will Knack, Leo Uehara, Danijel Dragija, Rodrigo Valdepena.
Animated Backgrounds - Created for character profiles, endcards, customization, and general UI options. Animated Transitions - Gameplay. Designed with Leo Uehara, Danijel Dragija, Jasminka Karacic.
Animated Graphic Dividers. Designed with Leo Uehara.
"Hunter Parallax", UA content example. Executed by Daniel Moreno.
"Fallen Saber", UA content example. Executed by Eduardo Ceballos.
"Podracer TeamUp", UA content example. Executed by Helio Neto.